CILC Pinnacle Award Honorable Mention

November 8, 2012

Sarah Elaine Eaton CILC Pinnacle Award 2011-2012The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is a national U.S. service that offers virtual learning programs and professional development programs for educators.

I have been offering professional development programs via webinar for teachers and other professionals for a few years now. My programs include:

Every year, CILC confers awards on those who have top scores in their program evaluations — in other words, based on how participants evaluate our programs.

Each school year, the scores of ALL program evaluations for each professional development provider are averaged based on 7 questions which are:

The presenter:

  • was knowledgeable about the content.
  • was engaging.

The program:

  • was engaging.
  • was applicable to professional growth.
  • aligned to presenter’s stated objectives.
  • contained strategies that will impact student learning.
  • will impact my teaching.

Each question has a numerical value and drives the CILC Pinnacle Award.

This year, I was thrilled to receive an honorable mention for high quality virtual programming and PD webinars. This is the second time I have received an honorable mention in the Pinnacle Awards. The first time was in 2009-2010. Check out the list of all the professional development award recipients. Mine is listed under my company, Eaton International Consulting Inc.

I love working with CILC. They create amazing opportunities for students, teachers, administrators, leaders and others to engage in collaborative or innovative programs with presenters from across the globe.

They also create opportunities for people like me, who love to do offer programs virtually, the chance to connect with new people from across the United States.

Thank you to the clients who took the time to evaluate my programs and give them high marks. I love working with you.


Update – January 2018 – This blog has had over 1.8 million views thanks to readers like you. If you enjoyed this post, please “like” it or share it on social media. Thanks!

Sarah Elaine Eaton is a faculty member in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada.

Free, online resources for learning Romanian

May 13, 2012

Sarah Eaton, blog, Sarah Elaine EatonIf you’re looking to learn Romanian, here are some free, downloadable resources that may be helpful:

Romanian Reference Grammar (1989) – by Christina N. Hoffman, published by the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Institute. – This guide is 109 pages and is written in English. Great resource for native English speakers wanting to learn Romanian. Available from:

Romanian Grammar – (n.d.) – Unknown author. – This is a highly detailed and technical grammar manual, spanning 183 pages. Available from:

Forvo – Romanian – Online site to help with pronunciation. See:

Quizlet – A site to make your own flash cards in Romanian. See:

Note: These resources were originally shared by Paul Widergren on the FLTEACH listserv.

Do you know of other free online resources to learn Romanian? If so, please leave a comment.


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Update – January 2018 – This blog has had over 1.8 million views thanks to readers like you. If you enjoyed this post, please “like” it or share it on social media. Thanks!

Sarah Elaine Eaton is a faculty member in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada.

Global Trends in Education in the 21st Century: Webinar

August 31, 2010

I am delighted that the Centre for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) invited me to give their Spotlight Presentation for September. Join us for this free PD webinar for educators and students:

Title: 21st Century Global Trends in Education

Date: September 8, 2010

Time: 14:00 – 15:00 Mountain Time (Click here to convert for your time zone).

We’ll go over the top 7 trends that are occurring in education across the globe at every level, from elementary school through to post-secondary levels and beyond. You’ll get tips on how to engage learners and create your own “best teaching practices” for the 21st century.

Register through CILC here.

Educational Leadership in the New Millennium (CILC workshop)

February 8, 2010

Recently I started working with the Centre for Interactive Learning and Collaboration as a provider of professional development programs.

I have just posted a new workshop with them:

Educational Leadership in the New Millennium: Leadership as part of professional practice

This is a new endeavour for me and I’m looking forward to delivering some professional development programs for educators, school administrators and other leaders in the field.