6 Tenets of Postplagiarism: Writing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

February 25, 2023
An infographic showing the 6 tenets of the post-plagiarism age. There is a circle with six points extending from it. There is an icon of a brain at the centre. These ideas were developed from the book, Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity (2021) by S. E. Eaton.

In the final chapter of Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity (2021) I contemplate the future of plagiarism and academic integrity. I introduced the idea of life in a postplagiarism world; thinking about the impact of artificial intelligence on writing. Here, I expand on those ideas. These 6 tenets characterize the post-plagiarism age:

Hybrid Human-AI Writing Will Become Normal

Hybrid writing, co-created by human and artificial intelligence together is becoming prevalent. Soon it will be the norm. Trying to determine where the human ends and where the artificial intelligence begins is pointless and futile.

Human Creativity is Enhanced

Human creativity is enhanced, not threatened by artificial intelligence. Humans can be inspired and inspire others. Humans may even be inspired by artificial intelligence, but our ability to imagine, inspire, and create remains boundless and inexhaustible.

Language Barriers Disappear

One’s first language will begin to matter less and less as tools become available for humans to understand each other in countless languages.

Humans can Relinquish Control, but not Responsibility

Humans can retain control over what they write, but they can also relinquish control to artificial intelligence tools if they choose. Although humans can relinquish control, they do not relinquish responsibility for what is written. Humans can – and must – remain accountable for fact-checking, verification procedures, and truth-telling. Humans are also responsible for how AI-tools are developed.

Attribution Remains Important

It always has been, and always will be, appropriate and desirable to appreciate, admire, and respect our teachers, mentors, and guides. Humans learn in community with one another, even when they are learning alone. Citing, referencing, and attribution remain important skills.

Historical Definitions of Plagiarism No Longer Apply

Historical definitions of plagiarism will not be rewritten because of artificial intelligence; they will be transcended. Policy definitions can – and must – adapt.

Translations of the Six Tenets of Postplagiarism

Since I first shared the Six Tenets of Postplagiarism, the infographic has been translated into French and Spanish. I am very grateful to the translators, who put in time and effort to go through the points in detail. Here are the translated versions:

Les 6 Principes du Postplagiat (French)

This translation was done by Dr. Elaine Beaulieu at the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Colleagues at the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada), also wrote a web article in French. It is available here: https://collimateur.uqam.ca/collimateur/6-principes-de-lapres-plagiat-a-lere-de-lia/

6 Principios del Posplagio (Spanish)

The Spanish translation was done by Beatriz Moya, PhD candidate at the University of Calgary.

More Resources on PostPlagiarism

Check out my video on this topic on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NxFMMw1QZX0

Check out my article in University World News on this topic: “Artificial intelligence and academic integrity, post-plagiarism”


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Sarah Elaine Eaton, PhD, is a faculty member in the Werklund School of Education, and the Educational Leader in Residence, Academic Integrity, University of Calgary, Canada. Opinions are my own and do not represent those of the University of Calgary.